Dies ist die archivierte Website der ehemaligen Bonner .NET User Group "Bonn-to-Code.Net" (2006-2017)


2014-02-25: Bonn-to-Code.Net: User-Treffen Februar
19:00 Uhr, Comma Soft AG in Bonn-Pützchen (Anfahrt)

BonnToCodeThema beim Februar-Treffen ist TypeScript. Mit Olmo del Corral haben wir einen Sprecher zu Gast, der diese Programmiersprache bereits länger in der Praxis einsetzt und eine umfangreiche Codebasis von Javascript nach TypeScript migriert hat.

TypeScript Olmo del Corral

With Silverlight and Flash becoming obsolete, Javascript is the only option for web client development - a language that was never designed for big applications.

TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft that is a strict superset of JavaScript. The aim is to bring static type checking and good tooling to JavaScript, while remaining compatible with existing JavaScript libraries and being aligned with upcoming features of ECMAScript 6.

About this Talk

Since it’s a small language, we will explain all the important features of Typescript (type annotations, short lambdas, classes, generics and internal and external modules). Attendees with knowledge in C# and Javascript will be ready to start using Typescript after this talk.

About the Speaker

Olmo del Corral comes from Signum Software, a spanish software company. His main responsibility is developing and maintaining http://signumframework.com/, an open-source framework for line of business applications that has just migrated to Typescript.